Sunday 11 May 2008

Dinner Dates - Who should pay?

A lot of shit is talked in the seduction community about not buying girls drinks, flowers or taking them out for dinner. Period. Or, only taking them out for dinner after you've fucked them.

These extreme 'rules' were originally set in place for complete beginners who had no experience with women.

If guys paid for meals etc, that would lead to vulnerable men being taken advantage of, by a certain type of girl, and trying to 'buy acceptance' demonstrates lower value and women are not attracted to lower value men.

In essence, the reasoning behind not paying for dinner on dates is not to look supplicating or to look as if you're trying to win the girl over.

However, if you know you are the prize, and she knows that you are a secure, alpha male, then there is no harm in paying for the meal.

Whatever you do, if you do it from a position of strength, you will get away with anything.

Women want to be romanced and courted by a real man. A man who will protect them and provide for them and their children (at least that's the frame you should set - or attraction switch you should flick, for seduction geeks without necessarily fathering her children).

Be that real man.

If you can't afford to pay for the meal, don't take her out to a restaurant.

Expecting a woman to pay half is a turn off.

Don't risk looking like a cheap skate!


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