Sunday 11 May 2008


There are many guys out there who have achieved some understanding on the art of seduction, and, like a child with a new-found toy, they are naturally very excited about it, and like to show it off.

It is very easy to become arrogant and let your ego get out of control once you apply the powerful seduction techniques you have learned.

Once you get good at picking up women, you may feel a sense of power, maybe even cockiness and become overconfident in your abilities. It is vital not to fall into this trap, because you will ultimately do devastating harm to your inner game and destroy any realistic chance of reaching mastery. You will forever be stuck at the level you are, and remain a novice for the rest of your life.

Just because you have had some success, and fucked a few girls, doesn't give the right to deginerate other people.

Arrogance is a very ugly trait. It is very unattractive to quality women. It may appeal to sluts and party girls, but if you want to meet a woman of substance, you must rethink the personality you are projecting to the world, and work on developing your core identity.

Work on your inner game, and become a better person, and have all the success you want in life.

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