Sunday 11 May 2008

We all know the basic theory, pre-selection is a powerful attraction switch. In the past, I have rammed this message through your heads over and over.

However, it is time to take pre-selection to a new leve. When gaming a girl, in set or one to one, mention one of these two things: 1/ You have a CURRENT girlfriend, 2/ You are CURRENTLY seeing other girls and insinuate that if she is with you, she will not be exclusive. Of course, if she proves herself in due course, she may become exclusive.

Girls will be more eager to give you their numbers, and will actually push you for a day 2, creating less work for you.


It's all very well saying that you previously dated a hot girl, and now have a vacancy for another girl in your life, but mention that you are CURRENTLY attached as opposed to PREVIOUSLY having dated a hot stripper from Las Vegas, and the IOIs will come flying. I know that most of you guys are good enough to get IOIs without saying this, and get the phone number and date easily, but if you take this advice, you will get what you want faster, and with less effort. Isn't this what we want? To refine and sharpen our game?

I actually experimented one step further, and told a girl about the community, and shared some techniques. She doesn't stop phoning me . . . I then told her `it's not easy to get a meeting with a guy like me' . . . she said `I'm sure you can find some time, as I would be so lucky', I then said `Actually, I would be the lucky one to spend time with a woman like you' . . . (emotional push pull), then she said in a stunned voice, `really? do you still have the photo you took of me in November Café, I've still got yours'. I then said `yeah, I put it on Crimewatch'. Even though I had told her about Push Pull, she still fell for it!

I don't recommend you go as far as this, telling a girl about the community, as it was purely experimental, but you get the picture.

It sticks a middle finger up at social conditioning, but IT WORKS. Women want what they can't have. I thought that I knew this, and I did use it to an extent, but not to the powerful extent that could have. I have discovered this in the past couple of weeks. Sure, I thought I knew this months ago, but ONLY NOW I have truly understood it, right to my very core, after I applied this. And the results have been staggering.

Of course, you need to use the basic techniques, congruency, body language and standard game as a foundation, all I'm saying is, throw in this nuclear bomb, and see the results for yourself. I really want all you guys to experience what I've experienced. It's scary to find out that girls really are sexual predators.


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