Sunday, 11 May 2008

IceDragon's Two Week Challenge

Balancing the game with your life means making the game an integral part of your day to day life, and co-existing with the various parts which make up the individual you, so that there is no transition. It's not necessary, as you're totally accepting and completely congruent with what and who you are.

I would strongly advise against being 'Saturday night gamers'. By that I mean, walking around with your head down during the week, and putting on your 'PUA' persona at the weekends. That is neither congruent or natural. No wonder why some guys have problems with gaming, and then wonder what went wrong.

I'm not advising guys to become social robots either, or obsessive game freaks.

What I'm going to suggest is totally different, and will make a big difference in your success rates, so that by the time the weekend comes, and it's time to go clubbing, you're all warmed up and ready to go, and you've already number-closed 10 girls that week (it will happen!), because gaming is not something different to what you usually do. However, what I’m going to suggest goes way beyond and much deeper than gaming.


1/ Compile a things to do list of 10 things you want to do by the end of the following day (the sense of achievement the following night will astonish you)

2/ Read out 10 affirmations (you can think of 10 relevant to you)


Ok, second step. Before you leave the house in the morning, each and every day, ensure you do the following 10 things.

1/ Shower & Shave
2/ Brush & floss
3/ Deodorant and Fragrance
4/ Choose your clothes carefully, and don't just throw anything on
5/ Have breakfast (VERY important)
6/ Diaphragmatic breathing exercises (this will focus your mind)
7/ Vocal projection exercises (if you don't know what these are, give one of the advanced guys on this lair a call, and they will go over some exercises over the phone)
8/ Read 10 affirmations aloud (you can think of some!)
9/ Stretch your body!
10/ Read over the list you made last night

Leave your house earlier than you usually would, because that would account for any delays en-route. Also, if you start your day in a calm, relaxing manner, the rest of your day will be fantastic, and that will spill onto the following day, and so forth.

Make a point of smiling and making eye contact at everyone you see. This is crucial! Not only at hbs, but everyone, ugs, guys, everyone.

Walk with an upright posture, and with your head up. Think of your favourite song, as you’re walking down the street. According to Anthony Robbins, your posture and demeanour sets your mood.

Talk to as many people as you can. Tell them jokes, funny stories, ask them how they are. Whatever you can think of. Try to talk to 10 strangers a day. That’s not a lot.

Do not deliberately try to find hbs to game. They will find you. I promise. I don't know how or where they will come from, but they will. They will be attracted to your energy and what you put out into the world. The vibes you give out will be totally different from any other guy they will meet.

If you do these things for two weeks, you will see an amazing difference. I’m saying two weeks for a reason, because this is the time it takes for any changes to take effect. Don’t ask me why, it’s just the way it is.

Naturally, as the weeks and months progress, your results will begin to snowball and accumulate, and you won’t be able to recognise what things were like before.

You will begin to attract nice things into your life (hbs, friends, success, happiness). Whatever you give out to the world, that’s what you attract.

Do this two week exercise and report back on the results!


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