Sunday, 11 May 2008

Foundations for Success with Women

We are all on this forum to learn one thing. How to improve our chances of starting and sustaining a sexual relationship with a woman.

Every guy on this forum has the inherent ability to attract a woman. You do not need complicated structures, techniques, and routines in order to do that. Each and every one of our forefathers was successful in getting laid. There is no doubt about that. Somewhere along the line, things got mixed up, and men forgot that they were natural seducers, it’s what they do best, like hunting, fighting, drinking, etc. and the woman became the prize. The man is the true prize, and if anyone tells you otherwise, it is going against nature.

Social conditioning tells us not to approach a woman. When we see a beautiful woman, something inside us says that it is not acceptable to society.

The first step you have to take is to tell your inner voice to shut up, and replace it with a new affirmation. Approach her. I don’t care if you use an indirect opinion opener, direct opener, say hello, ask her the time, anything.

This is the first hurdle you must overcome. You must overcome your inner fears and forget about the outcome. Get out of your own head, and face the reality that if you do not approach that girl, she will move on, and some other guy will approach her and start a sexual relationship with her, and have lots of cute little children who will call him daddy.

The relationship, which should have been yours.

What if your great, great, great grandfather had not approached your great, great, great grandmother? You would not be here, listening to me telling you to approach the woman you desire. I want your great, great, great grandson to enjoy the company and pleasure of beautiful women. You have to make it happen. Live forever, pass on your genes.

Ok, enough about approaching. It’s blatantly obvious that if you don’t approach, you might as well go on the Internet and find a Russian bride who will divorce you as soon as she gets a visa.

Mentally, it is far easier to approach a woman, if you have the lifestyle, which a woman will want to be part of.

Cultivate your passions in life. Choose an interest, which involves investing in you. Out with your working life, you should have something which you enjoy doing, be it playing a sport, collecting rare items, etc.

Take a look at your own life, and list your achievements. There is an amazing Confidence Building Exercise by Rahul (Superstar Actor) on the LSS, which I recommend you try out. This involves listing 25 achievements, no matter how small you think they are.

Have lots of female friends in your phonebook. This will help you understand female psychology, and will ultimately help you meet the woman of your dreams.

Accept your weaknesses, and build on your strengths. Each and every single one of us in this room knows what his weakness is, and the chances are, he hides them and feels ashamed. Do not do this. If you are open and come out of the closet about your insecurities, and show the world that you are not bothered by them. Other people will accept you too. Respect yourself and demand respect from others. If they don’t, cut them out of your life. Only keep friends who respect you. This also applies to women. No matter how hot she is, if she doesn’t respect you, this will do you long-term damage, and the number one person in your life is you.

Think about your future. Choose your career wisely and invest in it, if you don’t have one, work towards it. Women are attracted to a successful male who can provide for her and her children. If you are unemployed, on benefits, and live for the weekend, what can you do for your family? I know it’s fashionable to say that you can still get laid if you have ‘game’, but I want you guys to experience long-term success. If you are in a job you don’t like, leave it and get the necessary qualifications you need to find the job of your dreams. Don’t let anyone tell you that you ‘can’t do something’.

I consistently get from women is ‘you know where you want to be in life, and how you’re going to get there’. It’s how you frame yourself and present yourself is what counts.

I could easily say ‘um, I don’t really do anything; I’m an undergraduate at the age of 27’. This is not disqualification, but is plain stupid. Instead, I relate the story of how I got into Law School, and this is a much better reframe.

Stay in shape. Eat healthily, keep junk food to a minimum, and keep your cardiovascular system in great shape. Wear nice clothes, stay clean.


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